11.30am,Location around MegaMall Kuantan.
I have friend name amir but now we call him Dato Amir because today he got funds from MARA loan. Amir wake up so early this morning and look at his face so happy. I know why he feel so happy, because he get her money today. after wake up we go college because have program "Bersama Di Ambang Peperiksaan". After that we dont sit to long at the program because we so bored, and we check the position and have no lecture at behind and we go fly. after that we go home n my mmbr go take their money n ask me to go megamall. and the we go megamall and round around megamall after that dato amir want go buy new handset. after that all my friend ask him to pay we eat at McD. and Dato Amir n Dato Hanif have pay 8 member eat mcvalue we so happy.
gi shopping x ajak aku dh....